This game surprised me. I assumed I would hate it as it is a console shooter but no my amazement it isn't the worst. That isn't to say it is a masterpiece but it is better than what I expected.

I have no clue what the story is and I frankly don't care, I do know the game is inspired by a (I think) old comic series that if I have the chance I might pick up. The only thing I can really tell is you play as a native American man and you kill dinosaurs. Thats all that's needed.

At first I hated the gameplay. I hated the jumping, the camera and the shooting; all of it. But its feel grew on me, sure I hate the first person platforming and it is a little repetitive but its arcade like samey feel was quite a nice change from the diverse settings of build games (for example). Something about the gameplay I despised was the lack of being able to save wherever. I'm sure its a console limitation but why do I have to deal with it on PC, is it that hard to add it to the menu for fucks sake.

To conclude the game is alright, especially considering its a console shooter but it is no where near the level of pc 3D shooters like Quake or Unreal. In short if you own an n64 and dont want to play the masterpiece doom 64 then I suppose you can play Turok.

Some pictures I got while playing